Philipp Hummel

Philipp Hummel M.Sc.

Psychologie der Informationsverarbeitung



Philipp Hummel was a PhD student in the lab 09/21 – 05/23.

Resarch interests

Despite its remarkable successes, deep learning still falls way short of a lot of human capabilities in terms of e.g. general-purpose problem solving, across-domain generalization, data efficiency, flexibly working with different levels of abstraction, etc. To make progress on these frontiers, I'm thinking about how to solve tasks involving higher cognition such as Bongard Problems ( and tasks from the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus ( (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)) with (probabilistic) program induction.

On another path I'm interested in uncovering the concepts and features that humans use more efficiently with the help of machine learning methods. This might be particularly useful for settings where we want to guide a learning model to use human-relevant instead of confounding features.

I am jointly supervised by Constantin Rothkopf and Frank Jäkel and funded by the KompAKI project. Before starting my PhD at TU Darmstadt, I studied Cognitive Science in Osnabrück and Neural Information Processing in Tübingen.

Professional Experience

Fall 2015 DAAD RISE Internship,
Kurt Haas’ Laboratory at University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada
Summer 2016 Tutor for Mathematics for Natural Sciences II,
University of Osnabrück, Germany
Summer 2018 Lecturer for one-week block-course on Bayesian Statistics,
University of Osnabrück, German
2016 – 2019 Data Scientist (intern, bachelor thesis, part-time work),
PSIORI GmbH, Freiburg, Germany


Summer 2010 „Early Studies“ in Physics, University of Würzburg
2013-2017 B.Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
2017-2021 M.Sc. Neural Information Processing, University of Tübingen

Publications & Conferences

2018 Publication: A Textual Recommender System for Clinical Data in
the Proceedings of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
2019 Invited Speaker for Bayesian Statistics Workshop at the International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Spring
School, Freiburg
2021 Co-Organizer of the International Interdisciplinary Computational
Cognitive Science Summer School 2021 (Online Event)

Awards & Stipends

2012 E-Follows stipend for excellent achievements in Physics A-levels
2016 Second Place at Cognitive Computing Hackathon of Uni Osnabrück and IBM
2018–2019 Placed on the Dean’s List of the Graduate Training Centre of Neurosciences, Tübingen
2018–2019 Deutschlandstipendium (Joint public-private Stipend)
2019–2020 SmartStart in Computational Neuroscience Stipend