Dominik Straub

Dominik Straub M.Sc.

Psychology of Information Processing


Work S1|15 235
Alexanderstraße 10
64283 Darmstadt



After studying psychology and computer science in Darmstadt and working in the Psychology of Information Processing lab as a resarch assistant, I decided to stay and join the lab as a PhD student in 2019.

Research interests

I am interested in probabilistic models of perception and action in naturalistic sequential tasks. To understand the uncertainties, intrinsic costs of behavior, and subjective internal models involved in these tasks, I use computational modeling techniques including inverse optimal control and Bayesian inference.

Presentations and Publications

  • Straub, D., Niehues, T. F., Peters, J., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2024). Inverse decision-making using neural amortized Bayesian actors. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.03710.
  • Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. (2024). If it looks like online control, it is probably model-based control. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 46).
  • Thomas, T., Straub, D., Tatai, F., Shene, M., Tosik, T., Kersting, K., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2024). Modelling dataset bias in machine-learned theories of economic decision-making. Nature Human Behaviour, 8(4), 679-691.
  • Straub, D., Schultheis, M., Koeppl, H., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2023). Probabilistic inverse optimal control for non-linear partially observable systems disentangles perceptual uncertainty and behavioral costs. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.
  • Zhao, H., Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2023). People learn a two-stage control for faster locomotor interception. Psychological Research, 1-20.
  • Tatai, F., Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. (2023). People use Newtonian physics in intuitive sensorimotor decisions under risk. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 45, No. 45).
  • Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2022). Putting perception into action with inverse optimal control for continuous psychophysics. Elife, 11, e76635.
  • Schultheis, M., Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2021). Inverse optimal control adapted to the noise characteristics of the human sensorimotor system. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34, 9429-9442.
  • Zhao, H., Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2021). How do people steer a car to intercept a moving target: Interceptions in different environments point to one strategy. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(10), 1686-1696.
  • Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2021). Looking for image statistics: active vision with avatars in a naturalistic virtual environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 641471.
  • Zhao, H., Straub, D., & Rothkopf, C. A. (2019). The visual control of interceptive steering: How do people steer a car to intercept a moving target?. Journal of vision, 19(14), 11-11.


Summer 2023 Statstical modeling for cognitive science
Winter 2022/23 Statistical modeling for psychology
Summer 2022 Statstical modeling for cognitive science
Summer 2022 Computer-based data analysis
Winter 2021/22 Statistical modeling for psychology
Summer 2021 Experimental psychology practice
Summer 2021 Statstical modeling for cognitive science
Winter 2020/21 Cognitive science MSc project
Summer 2020 Experimental psychology practice
Summer 2020 Statistical modeling for cognitive science

Co-supervised theses


Tobias Niehues – Approximate Bayesian Inference of Parametric Cost Functions in Continuous Decision-Making

Fabian Tatai – Shooting pucks at targets for money: Economic and sensorimotor decision making during physical object interactions


Lukas Maninger – Predicting human similarity judgments with normalizing flows

Anna-Maria Kugler – An investigation of optimality in sensorimotor actions