Inga Ibs
Inga Ibs Profile Pic

Inga Ibs M.Sc.

Psychology of Information Processing


Work S1|15 231
Alexanderstraße 10
64283 Darmstadt


Inga Ibs joined the lab as a PhD student in June 2020.

From 2020-2023 she is part of the PlexPlain Project investigating approaches for explainable AI for linear programs.

Since 2023 she is part of the LOEWE Research Cluster WhiteBox reseraching methods to make AI and Humans more explainable.

Resarch interests

I am currently interested in understanding how human observers of complex systems build explanations for the system's behavior and how similar explanations can be automatically generated for complex artificial intelligence-based systems to aid human understanding of these systems.

During my studies in Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University I worked on probabilistic modeling of decision making under uncertainty and their applications in medical and legal contexts.

Presentations and publications

  • Inga Ibs, Claire Ott, Frank Jäkel, Constantin A. Rothkopf (2024), From human explanations to explainable AI: Insights from constrained optimization, Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 88
  • Kadner, F., Willkomm, H., Ibs, I., & Rothkopf, C. (2023). Finding your Way Out: Planning Strategies in Human Maze-Solving Behavior. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 45, No. 45).
  • Claire Ott & Inga Ibs (2022) Leveraging Human Optimization Strategies for Explainable AI, Talk at the “Workshop on Human Behavioral Aspects of (X)AI” Birkbeck, University of London
  • Talk at the GK Doctoral Symposium on Cognitive Science “Perspectives on Learning” (2022), where I was also part of the organizational team.
  • Ibs, I., and Potyka, N. (2020), Explainable Automated Reasoning in Law using Probabilis-tic Epistemic Argumentation, Talk at the virtual “Workshop on Models of LegalReasoning” held in conjunction with the “International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning”
  • Ehinger, B.V., Gross, K., Ibs, I., and Koenig, P. A new comprehensive eye-tracking test battery concurrently evaluating the Pupil Labs glasses and the EyeLink 1000, PeerJ, 7,e7086
  • Wiggermann, V., Ibs, I., Schoerner, S., Hernandez-Torres, E., Vorobeychik, G., Metz, L., Li, D., Traboulsee, A. and Rauscher, A. Exploring Mechanisms of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Evolution Using Advanced MRI, Neurology, 86

Professional Experience

since 2020 PhD student
Psychology of Information Processing
2017 – 2019 Student Researcher at the Neurobiopsychology lab of Prof. Dr. Peter König, University Osnabrück, Germany


2021 Oxford Machine Learning summer school (OxML 2021), virtual attendance
Jul. 2019 Summer School on AI & Law, Badia Fiesolana, European University Institute, Italy
2016 – 2019 M.Sc. Cognitive Science, University Osnabrück, Germany
2012 – 2016 B.Sc. Cognitive Science, University Osnabrück, Germany

Co-supervised theses


  • Sabine Dotterer: Investigating the Influence of Different Cost-Profit Ratios on Human Performance and Strategies in Optimization Problems in an Eye Tracking Experiment
  • Jaron Schäfer: Linking Human Reconstruction Models for Policy Summarizations to Task Structure
  • Daniel Kirn: Evaluating the Influence of Explainability for Human-AI Collaboration in a Shared Workspace


  • Jonas Matthias Hillebrand: Humans & Machines: Investigating Joint Performance in a Traffic Management Game