Inga Ibs M.Sc.
Psychology of Information Processing
S1|15 231
Alexanderstraße 10
Resarch interests
I am currently interested in understanding how human observers of complex systems build explanations for the system's behavior and how similar explanations can be automatically generated for complex artificial intelligence-based systems to aid human understanding of these systems.
During my studies in Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University I worked on probabilistic modeling of decision making under uncertainty and their applications in medical and legal contexts.
Presentations and publications
- Inga Ibs, Claire Ott, Frank Jäkel, Constantin A. Rothkopf (2024), From human explanations to explainable AI: Insights from constrained optimization, Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 88
- Kadner, F., Willkomm, H., Ibs, I., & Rothkopf, C. (2023). Finding your Way Out: Planning Strategies in Human Maze-Solving Behavior. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 45, No. 45).
- Claire Ott & Inga Ibs (2022) Leveraging Human Optimization Strategies for Explainable AI, Talk at the “Workshop on Human Behavioral Aspects of (X)AI” Birkbeck, University of London
- Talk at the GK Doctoral Symposium on Cognitive Science (2022), where I was also part of the organizational team. “Perspectives on Learning”
- Ibs, I., and Potyka, N. (2020), Explainable Automated Reasoning in Law using Probabilis-tic Epistemic Argumentation, Talk at the virtual “Workshop on Models of LegalReasoning” held in conjunction with the “International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning”
- Ehinger, B.V., Gross, K., Ibs, I., and Koenig, P. A new comprehensive eye-tracking test battery concurrently evaluating the Pupil Labs glasses and the EyeLink 1000, PeerJ, 7,e7086
- Wiggermann, V., Ibs, I., Schoerner, S., Hernandez-Torres, E., Vorobeychik, G., Metz, L., Li, D., Traboulsee, A. and Rauscher, A. Exploring Mechanisms of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Evolution Using Advanced MRI, Neurology, 86
Professional Experience
since 2020 |
PhD student Psychology of Information Processing |
2017 – 2019 | Student Researcher at the Neurobiopsychology lab of Prof. Dr. Peter König, University Osnabrück, Germany |
2021 | Oxford Machine Learning summer school (OxML 2021), virtual attendance |
Jul. 2019 | Summer School on AI & Law, Badia Fiesolana, European University Institute, Italy |
2016 – 2019 | M.Sc. Cognitive Science, University Osnabrück, Germany |
2012 – 2016 | B.Sc. Cognitive Science, University Osnabrück, Germany |
Co-supervised theses
- Sabine Dotterer: Investigating the Influence of Different Cost-Profit Ratios on Human Performance and Strategies in Optimization Problems in an Eye Tracking Experiment
- Jaron Schäfer: Linking Human Reconstruction Models for Policy Summarizations to Task Structure
- Daniel Kirn: Evaluating the Influence of Explainability for Human-AI Collaboration in a Shared Workspace
- Jonas Matthias Hillebrand: Humans & Machines: Investigating Joint Performance in a Traffic Management Game