
Below you can find a selection of our publications

J. Mao, C. A Rothkopf, A. A. Stocker. Adaptation optimizes sensory encoding of future stimuli, [submitted]
bioRxiv, 2024 [html]

C. Ott, I. Ibs, C. A. Rothkopf, F. Jaekel. A taxonomic view on human sequential decision-making: unveiling the relationship between tasks, [submitted]

S. Trick, F. Jäkel, C. A. Rothkopf. Bayesian combination of correlated subjective probability estimates, [submitted]

A. Wüst, T. Tobiasch, L. Helff, D. Singh Dhami, C. A. Rothkopf, K. Kersting. Bongard in wonderland: visual puzzles that still make AI go mad?, Sys2-Reasoning, Neurips Workshop, [accepted]

I. Ibs, C. Ott, F. Jaekel, C. A. Rothkopf. From human explanations to Explainable AI: insights from constrained optimization, Cognitive Systems Research, [accepted]

A. Hermann, et al. Study protocol TransTAM: transdiagnostic research into emotional disorders and cognitive-behavioral therapy of the adaptive mind, BMC Psychiatry, 24, 657, 2024
[pdf], [html]
OSF, 2024 [html]

F. Kessler, J. Frankenstein, C. A Rothkopf. Human navigation strategies, their errors and variability result from dynamic interactions of spatial uncertainties, Nature Communications, 15(1): 1-19, 2024.
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bioRxiv, 2022 [html]

D. Straub, C. A. Rothkopf. If it looks like online control, it is probably model-based control, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024.
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html]
PsyArXiv, 2024 [html]

J. Arato, C. A. Rothkopf, J. Fiser. Eye movements reflect active statistical learning, Journal of Vision, 24(5):17, 2024.
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PsyArXiv, 2023 [html]

A. Boehm, T. Schneider, B. Belousov, A. Kshirsagar, L. Lin, K. Doerschner, K. Drewing, C. A Rothkopf, J. Peters. What matters for active texture recognition with vision-based tactile sensors, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
ArXiv, 2024 [html]

S. Depeweg, C. A. Rothkopf, F. Jaekel. Solving Bongard Problems with a visual language and pragmatic constraints. Cognitive Science, 2024.
[pdf], [html], [code & data]
arXiv, 2018 [html]

F. Kessler, J. Frankenstein, C. A. Rothkopf. Navigation in real-world environments. In: Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, 2nd edition, edited by Jordan Grafman, Elsevier, 2024.
[pdf], [html]

T. Thomas, D. Straub, F. Tatai, M. Shene, T. Tosik, K. Kersting & C. A. Rothkopf. Modelling dataset bias in machine-learned theories of economic decision-making. Nature Human Behaviour, 2024.
[pdf], [html], [code]

D. Straub*, M. Schultheis*, H. Koeppl, C. A Rothkopf. Probabilistic inverse optimal control for non-linear partially observable systems disentangles perceptual uncertainty and behavioral costs, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023.
[pdf], [html], [code]
arXiv, 2023 [html]

A. Boehm, T. Schneider, B. Belousov, A. Kshirsagar, L. Lin, K. Doerschner, K. Drewing, C. A Rothkopf, J. Peters. Tactile active texture recognition with vision-based tactile sensors, 1st workshop on touch processing: a new sensing modality for AI, Neurips Workshop, 2023.
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html], [data]

F. Eggenkemper, L. Kölker, M. Valente, C. A. Rothkopf, R. Mertens. Learning individualized automatic content magnification in gaze-based interaction, 25th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2023.

S. Trick, C. A Rothkopf, F. Jaekel. A normative model for Bayesian combination of subjective probability estimates, Judgment and Decision Making, 18, E40, 2023.
[pdf], [html], [data]

M. Raab, L. Voigt, C. Rothkopf, K. Fiehler. Studying naturalistic actions requires research programs and not trade-off decisions in individual studies. Commentary to Maselli, A. et al.: Beyond simple laboratory studies: Developing sophisticated models to study rich behavior, Physics of Life Reviews, (47)33-34, 2023.
[pdf], [html]

C. Rothkopf, F. Bremmer, K. Fiehler, K. Dobs, J. Triesch. Models of vision need some action. Commentary to Bowers, J. et al.: Deep problems with neural network models of human vision, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46:e405, 2023.
[pdf], [html]
PsyArXiv, 2023 [html]

Trick, S., Lott, V., Scherf, L., Rothkopf, C. A., Koert, D. What can I help you with: towards task-independent detection of intentions for interaction in a human-robot environment. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2023.
[pdf], [html]

F. Tatai, D. Straub, C. A. Rothkopf. People use Newtonian physics in intuitive sensorimotor decisions under risk, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023.
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html]

F. Kadner, H. Willkomm, I. Ibs, C. A. Rothkopf. Finding your way out: planning strategies in human maze-solving behavior, Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023.
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html]
PsyArXiv, 2023 [html]

K. Hämmerl, B. Deiseroth, P. Schramowski, J. Libovicky, C. Rothkopf, A. Fraser, K. Kersting. Speaking multiple languages affects the moral bias of language models. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023.
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html]
arXiv, 2022

S. Trick, C. A. Rothkopf, F. Jäkel. Parameter estimation for a bivariate Beta distribution with arbitrary Beta marginals and positive correlation, Metron, 2023.
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arXiv, 2022

F. Hartmann, G. Maiello, C. A. Rothkopf, R. W. Fleming. Estimation of contact regions between hands and objects during human multi-digit grasping, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 194:e64877, 2023
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H. Zhao, D. Straub, C. A. Rothkopf. People learn a two-stage control strategy for faster locomotor interception, Psychological Research, 2023
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F. Kadner, T. Thomas, D. Hoppe, C. A Rothkopf. Improving saliency models' predictions of the next fixation with humans' intrinsic cost of gaze shifts, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html]
arXiv, 2022 [html]

M. Schultheis, C. A. Rothkopf, H. Koeppl. Reinforcement learning with non-exponential discounting. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), NeurIPS 2022
[pdf], [html], [code]
arXiv, 2022 [html]

T. Thomas*, D. Hoppe*, C. A Rothkopf. The neuroeconomics of individual differences in saccadic decisions, [submitted]
bioRxiv, 2022 [html]

D. Straub, C. A. Rothkopf. Putting perception into action with inverse optimal control for continuous psychophysics, eLife, 11:e76635, 2022
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bioRxiv, 2021 [html]

A. Wroblewski, et al. Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear: how intolerance of uncertainty and trait anxiety impact fear acquisition, extinction and the return of fear. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 181:125-140, 2022
[pdf], [html]
PsyArXiv, 2022 [html]

S. Trick, F. Herbert, C. A. Rothkopf, D. Koert. Interactive reinforcement learning with Bayesian fusion of multimodal advice. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), with presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
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S. Trick, C. A. Rothkopf. Bayesian classifier fusion with an explicit model of correlation, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), PMLR 151:2282-2310, 2022
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html], [code]
arXiv, 2021 [html]

Schramowski, P., Turan, C., Andersen, N., Rothkopf, C. A., & Kersting, K. Large pre-trained language models contain human-like biases of what is right and wrong to do. Nature Machine Intelligence, 4(3), 258-268, 2022
[pdf], [html], [code], [data]
arXiv, 2021 [html]

N. Neupärtl, F. Tatai, C. A. Rothkopf. Naturalistic embodied interactions elicit intuitive physical behavior in accordance with Newtonian physics, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2021
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M. Schultheis*, D. Straub*, C. A. Rothkopf. Inverse stochastic optimal control adapted to the noise characteristics of the sensorimotor system. Advances in neural information processing systems (NeurIPS), 2021
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arXiv, 2021 [html]

F. Kadner, Y. Keller, C. A. Rothkopf. AdaptiFont: increasing individuals’ reading speed with a generative font model and Bayesian optimization. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
[pdf], [html], [talk], [code]
arXiv, 2021 [html]

H. Zhao, D. Straub, C. A. Rothkopf. How do people steer a car to intercept a moving target: interceptions in different environments point to one strategy, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2021
[contact us for the pdf], [html]

D. Straub, C. A. Rothkopf. Looking for image statistics: active vision with avatars in a naturalistic virtual environment, Froniters in Psychology, 12:431, special issue on Modeling Virtual Humans for Understanding the Mind, 2021
[pdf], [html], [code & image database]

N. Neupärtl, F. Tatai, C. A. Rothkopf. Intuitive physical reasoning about objects' masses transfers to a visuomotor decision task consistent with Newtonian physics. PLoS Computational Biology, 16(10), 2020
[pdf], [html], [data]
bioRxiv, 2020 [html]

C. Turan, P. Schramowski, C. Rothkopf, K. Kersting. Alfie: An interactive robot with a moral compass. 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2020

J. Frankenstein, F. Kessler, C. Rothkopf. Applying psychophysics to applied spatial cognition research. Spatial Cognition XII. Spatial Cognition 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12162. Springer, Cham.

P. Schramowski, C. Turan, S. Jentzsch, C. A. Rothkopf, K. Kersting. The Moral Choice Machine, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3, 2020

K. Kersting, C. Lampert, C. Rothkopf (Eds.). Wie Maschinen lernen – Künstliche Intelligenz verständlich erklärt. Springer, 2019

K. Kersting, J. Peters, C. Rothkopf. Was ist eine Professur für Künstliche Intelligenz?, 2019
arXiv, 2019 [html]

H. Zhao, D. Straub, C. A. Rothkopf. The visual control of interceptive steering: how do people steer a car to intercept a moving target?, Journal of Vision, 19(14):11, 1–20, 2019
[pdf], [html]

S. Trick, D. Koert, J. Peters, C. Rothkopf. Multimodal uncertainty reduction for intention recognition in human-robot interaction. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019
[pdf], [html]
arXiv, 2019 [html]

D. Koert, J. Pajarinen, A. Schotschneider, S. Trick, C. Rothkopf, J. Peters. Learning intention aware online adaptation of movement primitives. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), with presentation at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2019
[pdf (opens in new tab)]

N. Araslanov, C. A. Rothkopf, S. Roth. Actor-critic instance segmentation. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019
[pdf] (opens in new tab), [html]
arXiv, 2019 [html]

S. F. Jentzsch, P. Schramowski, C. A. Rothkopf, K. Kersting. Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like moral choices. AAAI & ACM conference on artificial intelligence, ethics, and society (AIES-19), 2019
[pdf], [html]

D. Hoppe, C. A Rothkopf. Multi-step planning of eye movements in visual search. Scientific Reports, 9(1):144, 2019
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bioRxiv, 2017 [html]

R. Zhang, S. Zhang, M. H. Tong, Y. Cui, C. A. Rothkopf, D. H. Ballard, M. M. Hayhoe. Modeling sensory-motor decisions in natural behavior. PLoS Computational Biology, 14(10), 2018
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A. Melnik, F. Schuler, C. A. Rothkopf, P. König. The world as an external memory: the price of saccades in a sensorimotor task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12: 253, 2018
[pdf], [html]

D. Hoppe, S. Helfmann, C. A. Rothkopf. Humans quickly learn to blink strategically in response to environmental task demands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2018
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html]

Q. Wang*, C. A. Rothkopf*, J. Triesch. A model of human motor sequence learning explains facilitation and interference effects based on spike-timing dependent plasticity. PLoS Computational Biology, 13(8), 2017
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V. S. R. Veeravasarapu, C. A. Rothkopf, V. Ramesh: 'Adversarially tuned scene generation', Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html]

V. S. R. Veeravasarapu, C. A. Rothkopf, V. Ramesh: 'Model-driven simulations for computer vision', IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2017
[pdf (opens in new tab)]

F. Schmitt, H.-J. Bieg, M. Herman, C. A. Rothkopf: 'I See What You See: Inferring Sensor and Policy Models of Human Real-World Motor Behavior', Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17), 2017
[pdf], [html]

B. Belousov, G. Neumann, C. A. Rothkopf, J. Peters: 'Catching heuristics are optimal control policies', Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016
[pdf (opens in new tab)], [html], [code]

D. Hoppe, C. A. Rothkopf: 'Learning rational temporal eye movement strategies', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 113(29), 8332-8337, 2016
[html], [GK best paper award 2016-2018]

C. A. Rothkopf: 'Cognitive Neuroscience' in 'Handbook of Cognitive Science', edited by A. Stephan and S. Walter, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar, 2013 [html]

C. A. Rothkopf: 'Motor control and the control of actions' in 'Handbook of Cognitive Science', edited by A. Stefan and S. Walter, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar, 2013 [html]

C. A. Rothkopf, D. H. Ballard: 'Learning to coordinate repertoirs of behaviors: credit assignment and module activation', in Computational and Robotic Models of the Hierarchical Organization of Behavior, edited by G. Baldassarre and M. Mirolli, Springer, 2013 [html]

L. Lonini, C. Dimitrakakis, C. A. Rothkopf, J. Triesch: 'Generalization and interference in human motor control', in Computational and Robotic Models of the Hierarchical Organization of Behavior, edited by G. Baldassarre and M. Mirolli, Springer, 2013 [html]

C. A. Rothkopf, D. H. Ballard: 'Modular inverse reinforcement learning for visuomotor behavior', Biological Cybernetics, 107(4), 477-490, 2013 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

D. H. Ballard, D. Kit, C. A. Rothkopf, B. Sullivan: 'A hierarchical modular architecture for embodied cognition', Multisensory Research, 26:(1-2), 177 – 204 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

D. Pamplona, J. Triesch, C. A. Rothkopf: 'Power spectra of the natural input to the visual system', Vision Research, 83:66-75, 2013 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

G. J. Diaz, J. Cooper, C. A. Rothkopf, M. M. Hayhoe: 'Saccades to future ball location reveal memory-based prediction in a natural interception task'. Journal of Vision, 13(1):1, 1-14, 2013 [pdf] [html]

B. T. Sullivan, L. Johnson, C. A. Rothkopf, D. H. Ballard, M. Hayhoe: 'The role of uncertainty and reward on eye movements in a virtual driving task'. Journal of Vision, 12(13):19, 1-16, 2012 [pdf] [html]

Y. Zhao, C. A. Rothkopf, J. Triesch, B. Shi: 'A unified model of the joint development of disparity selectivity and vergence control', IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning, November 7-9, 2012 (Paper of Excellence award) [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

Q. Wang, J. Bolhuis, C. A. Rothkopf, T. Kolling, M. Knopf, J. Triesch: 'Infants in control: rapid anticipation of action outcomes in a gaze-contingent paradigm', PLoS ONE, 2012 [pdf] [html]

C. Dimitrakakis, C. A. Rothkopf: 'Bayesian multitask inverse reinforcement learning', European Workshop on Reinforcemnt Learning (EWRL), September 9–11, 2011 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

C. A. Rothkopf, C. Dimitrakakis: 'Preference elicitation and inverse reinforcement learning', 22nd European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), September 5-9, 2011 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

H. Toutounji, C. A. Rothkopf, J. Triesch: 'Scalable reinforcement learning through hierarchical decompositions for weakly-coupled problems', IEEE 10th International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), August 24-27, 2011 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

C. Karaoguz, T. H. Weisswange, T. Rodemann, B. Wrede, C. A. Rothkopf: 'Reward-based learning of optimal cue integration in audio and visual depth estimation', 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), June 20-23, 2011 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

T. H. Weisswange, C. A. Rothkopf, J. Triesch: 'Bayesian cue integration as a developmental outcome of reward mediated learning', PLoS ONE, 2011 [pdf] [html]

C. A. Rothkopf, D. H. Ballard: 'Credit assignment in multiple goal embodied visuomotor behavior', Frontiers in Psychology, Special Topic: 'Embodied and grounded cognition', 2010 [pdf] [html]

J. Triesch, C. A. Rothkopf, T. H. Weisswange: 'Coordination in Sensory Integration', in Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind, edited by C. von der Malsburg, W. A. Phillips, W. Singer, MIT Press 2010

M. M. Hayhoe, C. A. Rothkopf: 'Vision in the natural world', Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, Wiley, 2010
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C. A. Rothkopf, T. H. Weisswange, J. Triesch: 'Computational modeling of multisensory object perception', in 'Multisensory Object Perception in the Primate Brain', Editors: M. J. Naumer & J. Kaiser, New York: Springer, 2010
[pdf manuscript]

T. H. Weisswange, C. A. Rothkopf, T. Rodemann, J. Triesch: 'Can reinforcement learning explain the development of causal inference in multisensory integration?', IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning, June 5-7, 2009 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

C. A. Rothkopf, T. H. Weisswange, J. Triesch: 'Learning independent causes in natural images explains the spacevariant oblique effect', IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning, June 5-7, 2009 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

C. A. Rothkopf, D. H. Ballard: 'Image statistics at the point of gaze during human navigation', Visual Neuroscience, special issue on 'Natural Systems Analysis', 26, 81–92, 2009 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

C. A. Rothkopf: 'Modular models of task based visually guided behavior', Ph. D. thesis, University of Rochester. Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Computer Science, 2008

C. A. Rothkopf, D. H. Ballard, M.M. Hayhoe: 'Task and context determine where you look'. Journal of Vision, 7(14):16, 1-20, 2007 [pdf] [html], [code]

J. B. Pelz, C. Rothkopf: 'Oculomotor behavior while navigating natural and man-made environments' in 'Eye movements: A window on mind and brain', Editors: R. van Gompel, M. Fischer, W. Murray, R. Hill. Elsevier Press, 2007

J. F. M. Jehee, C. A. Rothkopf, J. M. Beck, D. H. Ballard: 'Learning receptive fields using predictive feedback', Journal of Physiology Paris, 100, 125-132, 2006 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

R. D. Meyer, E. P. Horch, Z. Ninkov, W.F. van Altena, C.A. Rothkopf: 'RYTSI: the Rit-Yale-Tip-Tilt-Speckle-Imager', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 118 , 162-171, 2006 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

C. A. Rothkopf, J. B. Pelz: 'Head movement estimation for wearable eye tracker', Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Application Symposium, ETRA 2004, San Antonio, Texas, USA, ACM, 2004 [pdf] (opens in new tab) [html]

Additional resources

C. A. Rothkopf. Three levels of description by David Marr slides
[pdf (opens in new tab) ]